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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are We Really One People?

You know I really awe at the fact that so much drum beating actually works! It makes people deaf to what they listen.

I sometimes wonder why no one questions how things are or maybe they are just not bothered about how their country takes course. It's true we are one united people but it is questionable why we are such.

I would like to believe all's well and everybody lives as Singaporeans and we are offered equal opportunities as the citizens of this country. But reality hits home whenever I open the recruit section of the Straits Times and read Mandarin speaking preferred. Now if only that was made compulsory in schools, I would otherwise think that such requirements are rather bias. Don't get it wrong though, I do acknowledge the fact that we do need to upgrade our skills and learn more lauguages but what I don't understand is why continue drumming the fact that all's equal when everyone knows that that statement is not true.

I believe that all will be equal the day when the National Day Rally speech is delivered in one launguage, English, addressing the needs of Singaporeans, be it Chinese, Malay, Indian or Others. All in one speech. And then the same speech translated into all the other languages. Guess for now we just have to stick to the Mandarin speech addressing issues affecting the Chinese, Malay speech addressing issues affecting the Malay community and Tamil speech...I don't even know what that one addresses. So my personal wish towards harmony is to see one rally speech for all Singaporeans.We live together, work together and we should address our community problems together.

Purplerose @ 8:20 AM |  0 Comments


Shari, The Beauty With Brains

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