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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How Some Men Never Grow Up!

This is really something I can never understand. I guess whoever came up with the word 'immature' was probably inspired by a man's behaviour!

I went for my last Adobe Basic Photo Shop course tis evening. And I was really so inspired by this goondoo in the class that I told Cassandra, I have to write about him.

The class was over 3 sessions and each session lasted for 3 hours.

And I am so proud to say 'I survived 9 hours of pure agony!'

The first wave of agony came the moment I stepped into class. Not that I am a linguist of any sorts but I do have an issue with people who have a problem with their diction. I remember ditching a whole semester of econs lectures in uni for a module after attending the 1st class where the China lecturer went on and on for 3 hours. I couldn't understand a word of the english he spoke. Not sure how i pazed that module but well...guz reading the super thick textbks did payoff.

Anyway, the wonderful trainer was a Hong Konger with a super duper accent. Words like 'text' coming out of his mouth sounded like 'test'!

But that was still bearable, he was a nice guy. The icing on the cake was tis old bloke-Mr Ang. I am never good with ages but he must have been say 60. And he seemed to be Chinese Ed from all the chinese language computer programmes he had in his laptop.

I am quite sure he was his teacher's worst nitemare when he was in school. And somehow Mr Ang made it his personal goal, to try and relive his childhood days, which I guess must have been damn deprived, during the course.

The course was studded with outburst like "Wah... you ask him how he is you never asked me" - tis cozed me to roll my eyeballs so hard they almost fell out of their sockets! and "Today you so fast, stupid student like me cannot catch up!" -i nodded my head so hard in agreement to the fact that he was stupid that i ran the risk of a loose screw in my neck!

Besides the fact that he complained about everything and I think he scared away the lady sitting next to him, she never showed up after the 1st lesson, he had no sense of his surroundings or at least he tot he was the surrounding! He laughed loudly to himself, made weird noises, which i finally realised was his way of humming and even threw a whole fit in class today, just because his mouse wasn't working well!

The last straw was when he claimed he couldn't find the shift button on the keyboard! After almost 9 hours and the fact that you at least need some brains to use a computer, he said that!I so felt like taking his head and bashing it against the wall or clawing him to death but well... I din want to make tomorrow's headlines.

Well, there is an intermediate course for Adobe Photoshop and it's really tempting to join but...if..and only..if The Infamous Mr Ang is not signing up for it!

Purplerose @ 8:00 AM |  0 Comments


Shari, The Beauty With Brains

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