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Sunday, July 29, 2007


I used to say a driving license in Singapore is so impossible to get! And i still stick to it, i still think it's true. It's easier to get a degree from NUS then a driving license!..Well i suppose that should be logical enough since one earns anyone a living and the other can cost someone's life.

Anyway, i earned my driving license on Thursday, 26 July 2007. Was rather confident i was going to pass. Just that the weather did give me a little of a chill. Was raining rather heavily. But i was really happy to know that i passed! Yippy!!

Everyone's happy. Especially, my daddy! He was so so happy...you can see it in his eyes. Hmm...seems he looks more happy me getting my license than my uni degree.Hmmm....But i am waiting for that congratulations from that someone...hmmm...still waiting..wonder when i will be able to hear it....mmm....

Purplerose @ 12:53 AM |  1 Comments

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

YOU Are Special.

(This is specially selected for my mummy. I love you and hope everything turns out fine)

There are certain people we thank in our prayers
For things we appreciate so,

But try as we may, we sometimes can't say
The words that we want them to know

They're people who often go out of their way
To pitch in when there's work to be done,

They show their understanding, they lighten our problems,
They help us in more ways than one...

There are certain people we thank in prayers
And one of those people is you...Mummy.

If you ever do read this one day...you will know that i wanted
the whole world to know that you mean the world to me...
I hope everything turns out how it should be...I love you...

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Purplerose @ 6:28 AM |  0 Comments

Sunday, July 08, 2007

What Shari Thinks About Anything. (Part 2)

What Shari thinks about the Live Earth Concert.

Well, like Shari said yesterday, it takes no genuis to figure out that the Live Earth concert itself will be the cause of pollution. Well, Shari just saw on news the amount of litter left at the Wembley Stadium. Pathetic, these were the same people who came to pledge?Interesting....

Wonder if they knew what the pledge is for. And the stars, flying in their private jets...what a laugh..same people who go on stage and blabber about saving earth. Well..Shari feels that the best way to get the message across subtlely is using the television ads. Since the screen plays a huge part in our lives. But run the ads for free, Mediacorp. Dont just change your logo to green for 2 days and say you are playing your part. Run the ads on the news timebelts everyday for free. Teach these people what to do to save energy. That's playing your part.

If you want it to be really effective, do it the Singapore way! Make it a damn law!It works! We have no chewing gum, we have no chimney smoking people, so make it a law to go green. Why are we delaying things? Coz we might loose lots of money and international investments? Well...maybe. But something has to be done to Save GAIA! (Gaia is Earth, in case u dont already know)

What Shari thinks about Sister Teresa Tsu turning 110?

I am so happy Sister Teresa is 110! She is such a live wire! I still remember the first time i met here. Was at the home she runs Heart to Heart. I was 7 minutes late. She was seated at this table and wasnt even looking at the clock. But as i entered and sat myself at the table, she turned to me and said you are 7 minutes late! I was like wow! She reads so much and she does yoga at this age. She's so witty, cracks so many jokes and i am glad she agreed to be part of my event in 2005. The passing on of the Commonwealth Queen's Baton relay on 4 October 2005. Well, she's sure living her life to the fullest. She used to be a nurse during the World War days. And I know this is going to sound so weird but i am so proud that she thinks i am pretty and told the people at my event that i was. I know this sounds crazy but then again when do you ever get such a compliment from a centenarian right? I mean i get comments from people quite a bit but this one i will really treasure and remember. Happy BirthDay Teresa!

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Purplerose @ 6:42 AM |  0 Comments

Saturday, July 07, 2007

What Shari thinks abt Anything....(Part 1)
(I know, i know, but i like this part 1, 2 thingy...gives me inspiration to write more..not that i am ever short for views or words)

Well..what Shari thinks abt attending Shari's Childhood Friend's Wedding?
Well, Shari hates the idea especially if her name was rsvped without a 2nd confirmation. Shari doesnt register sometimes when something is asked and she would try to get it 'cleared' and move on with her thoughts without realising what she has agreed to. Anyway, Shari doesnt like attending weddings of childhood friends or at least today, she did not particularly enjoy herself. Not that she hates her childhood, she loved it ...she just doesnt feel it necessary to update into her memory database how her little devilish friends have grown and seem all adult now. Shari finds it disturbing to be reminded that we are all growing old. Somethings are better left the way they are. Shari's in this mood today, that makes her feel that adulthood is a punishment served for all the crazy things kids do. They get banned to this realm where people are boring work zombies who look at you differently if you choose to be otherwise. Friendships are no longer innocent and 'Snap' takes a whole different meaning altogether.Where Boys turn into Men and in the process loose some of their brain cells....hmmm...alrite, i know the last one crosses the line...but well...had to say something abt Men... :>

What Shari thinks abt the Earth Concert?
Well...Shari has nothing against saving Earth...Shari's all for it...but what Shari doesnt understand is that by wearing green, we save the Earth?..Well...guess for a week, we would have created awareness but what happens after that? Also, what Shari thinks is dumb is the concerts...Well...maybe they are raising funds but Shari thinks that it would sure be ironic to see the concert venues after the partying is done, littered with zillions of waste materials from party goers...So instead of having to save earth..if that actually happens we actually generated more waste in few hours over several parts of earth ..just in the name of saving her...

What Shari thinks about the new Indo law about slashing and burning being allowed at certain places?
Initially, Shari was furious. She was like these Indo really are pea brains. But after thinking about it, Shari feels that these Indo are trying to reason things out with their people. See in Shari's logic, which she hopes is along the lines of these Indos. If i (indo govt) totally ban u (farmer) from burning, you will do it illegally anyway and I will have to throw u in jail and your family will be left hanging without a breadwinner, and also i would be unpopular and loose votes. But if i let you do it in monitored situations and in moderations, you cant say that i am being unreasonable and uncaring towards the u poor farmers. So well, Shari thinks its a compromise, right or wrong would really depend on from which angle you are looking at it.

Well...Shari thinks alot about anything ..but for today..that should be enough to chew on....

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Purplerose @ 6:19 AM |  0 Comments

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Singapore Creates History (1 July 2007) ~ Part 2

7% GST- Are we driving them to jump in front of trains?...

See today is the day we see a 2% rise in our goods and services tax. So everything is now at 7%.

Well...according to wikipedia (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-added_tax) a french guy, an economist to be more precise, came up with this type of taxation on 10 April 1954...hmmm...he's probably dead by now(or at least i hope..not that i am being mean..just saving him all curses he's earning around the world targeted at the 'smart alec' that came up with it!)...why couldnt he just stick to the normal supply and demand theories and hypothesis..sigh...

See i believe that the rise in gst...is like a trigger point...each time it's triggered...we can expect a few results...(and obviously, like everything else here..it'll continue to rise. Was 3%, then 5%, now 7%)

1) More people get upset with the govt but they get quoted on national tv saying 'it's the law what can we do' ~ sounds rather pathetic actually...it's like we cant fight fate...well..either that or u pack your bags and leave..afterall..this is a democratic society...such an irony!...

2) The needy are pacified with a few carrots that are made to seem worth their votes...but when their wallets get empty again...they start wagging their tongues and after a few suicide cases on the tracks...someone will look into the problem...

I am not saying Singaporeans will kill themselves coz of the rising cost of living but i think we should not rule it out that some just cant make ends meet.I just hope that we dont see people jumping onto tracks...only to find out that they cant afford to support their families coz of the high cost of living in this place or should i say constant increasing cost of living and no-handouts policy...

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Purplerose @ 8:51 AM |  0 Comments

Singapore Creates History (1 July 2007) ~Part 1

I have always had issues with how this place works. But i would for the record applaud good work when credit is due. This place, which i find has no atmosphere at times, is fond of implementing unpopular policies. Retirement, HDB, Medical, Mean Testings, Exhuming Burial Grounds, ERP, COE, CPF, Chewing Gum (mind u...we are proud to be the 1st country to ban this in the world!)...the list is endless...(and i m so not exaggerating...it is endless!)

But there's this one great thing that they have implemented on this very day. Amen!


Dear god, thank you for finally showing them the lite to some so very rite laws! No more stench in clothes! Choking fumes and finally, finally, finally...no more smell in your hair..that u have painstakingly washed and styled for the evening. Hmm...somehow... i have a strong feeling a female must be behind this push...or maybe it could be the wife of some minister who had enough of all the terrible smelling fumes which kept getting to her head...

Note: I am knowingly avoiding the health reason...coz i dont see the economic value to Singapore in implementing the law. Face it i am a logical chic..who majored in Econs. Tobacco products have been around for years and they will continue to be for many more i believe..it's lucrative from every angle, govt, manufacturer, retailer..and end user...they cut down their life spans faster so they dont have to end up wrinkled and over-taxed for the very fact of being alive ... Afterall, if anyone did really care...this world would be heaven rite?...

Anyway...of all the great laws we have come up with...I love this ban...no more worries about smelling like an ashtray...i guess som men might like the sexy musky malely scent on them but on females...it's subjective...I prefer Channel Allure..to Malboro Lites..Well, unless they start creating perfume scented sticks like channel lites..but then again...some of us have other ideas on how we would like to die...So.. to hell with the sticks and ashy scent!..Good Riddence!!

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Purplerose @ 8:11 AM |  0 Comments


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